Live a Healthier, Happier Life with Technology, Improving Your Focus, Mindset and Daily Habits, in Only 20 Minutes a Week

Without ditching your phone, quitting Netflix, or living in the woods (unless you want to)

Did you know that screen time and doom scrolling are at an all-time high? It's true. As time on our phones increases, so too do anxiety, depression, and feelings of isolation and exhaustion. Here's the problem: we all know this. This isn't some groundbreaking insight. Who isn't on their phone just a little too much these days? Whether it's your mother, daughter, husband, wife… or you… we all spend a little too much time plugged in. What this means is we're spending less time doing the things that bring us joy, like being with our families and friends and pursuing passion projects, and more time being consumed by technology. So why then aren't we doing something about this?

I asked my readers this question and 90% of them told me they wanted to create better digital habits, but they just weren't doing it. They didn’t know how.

The truth is, you CAN have a better relationship with tech. You CAN create better online habits to untangle your life from our digital default settings. And I can show you how.

Do you find yourself asking...

How do I stop comparing online and trust that I am enough? How do I stay on track — doing the things I say I want to do — without getting hijacked by social media? How can I become immune to the interruptions and distractions of the internet, and focus on what really matters?

This simple step-by-step course is for you if you feel overwhelmed by your inbox and social media channels and are desperate to simplify your digital life. It's right for you if you want to eliminate sources of digital stress and radically reduce your screen time to do what really matters. In a few short lessons, you'll turn digital distraction into traction on your most important goals.

Is this right for me?

This step-by-step program is for you if...

  • You feel OVERWHELMED by your inbox and social media channels and are desperate to simplify your digital life

  • You want to ELIMINATE sources of digital stress and radically reduce your screen time to DO WHAT REALLY MATTERS

  • You want to turn digital distraction into TRACTION on your most important goals


Course Overview

    1. Welcome!

    2. Navigating the Digital World with Joy Starts Now

    3. Download the Course Workbook

    4. Getting Started

    5. Are you Digitally Flourishing? Take the survey.

    6. What's your Digital Flourishing Score?

    1. Welcome to Map 1

    2. Map 1.1 Steering the Ship

    3. Map 1.2 NOMO FOMO

    4. Map 1.3 Overcome the Infinite Overwhelm

    1. Welcome to Map 2

    2. Map 2.1 How To Do A Screen-Time Audit

    3. Map 2.2 How To Beat Social Contagion

    4. Map 2.3 How to Discover Your Values

    5. Download Your Digital Well-Being Contract

    6. Map 2.4 Align Your Digital Life with Your Values

    7. Map 2.5 Quick Wins to Celebrate Your Progress

    1. Welcome to Map 3

    2. Map 3.1 The Algebra of Joy

    3. Map 3.2 Wisdom to the Know the Difference

    4. Map 3.3 More Joy through Value-Based Goals

    1. Welcome to Map 4

    2. Map 4.1 Clarity, Care, Choice, Commitment and Capacity

    3. Map 4.2 Environmental Changes

    4. Map 4.3 Social Commitments

    5. Map 4.4 Long-term Goals and Habits

    6. Map 4.5 Prevailing Winds

    7. Retake the Digital Flourishing Survey

    1. See the Research

    2. The JOMO Manifesto

    3. Digital House-Cleaning Party

    4. JOMO Wallpapers

About this course

  • 32 lessons
  • 3.5 hours of video content

Watch a lesson

Meet Your Instructor

Digital Well-Being Expert Christina Crook

Founder Christina Crook

Writer, speaker and podcast host Christina Crook has been studying the relationship between joy and technology for over a decade. Whether you’re seeking presence, peace, focus or productivity, Christina has shaped tools and teachings to reconnect your habits with your happiness.

Join hundreds of people just like you who have taken control of their digital life with The JOMO Method™.


What you can expect

  • A Proven Method

    A proven step-by-step program to align your digital habits with your goals. Delivered in three modalities: video, audio and text to serve your learning style best.

  • Digital Design Diagnostics

    Christina will walk you through the most popular online services and show you exactly how designers are working to interrupt your life, hijack your attention, and prime you for negative emotions.

  • Digital House Cleaning

    A monthly refresh to review and reduce your digital footprint.

  • Journey Notes

    Real-life examples of individuals thriving online and off.

You will learn exactly how to:

  • Understand the complex media environment so that you know how it is influencing your daily decisions and the exact steps to TAKE BACK CONTROL.

  • Discover and prioritize the projects and people that SUPPORT your success and well-being.

  • Move past FOMO so you can STOP WORRYING about what’s happening somewhere else.

  • BUILD WALLS AROUND YOUR ATTENTION and FOCUS YOUR EFFORT on the projects and people that matter most to you.

  • Do the work that makes you come ALIVE, enabling you to GET IN THE FLOW of the best work of your life.

  • Leverage the best science of personal change to be totally CONFIDENT that YOU ARE CALLING THE SHOTS.

I’ve developed a complete system that allows you to do WAY less with MORE impact and the core of that system is eliminating the digital distractions that steal your focus and flow.


Here are a few examples of what my students have achieved…


Christy-Ann Conlin, Author

“It’s brought me SANITY and CLARITY. Now, when I go online, I ask myself: Is this life-giving or is this life-taking? It's very sobering at how much happens, how much I do, that is life stealing. It's given me a sense of power to make tiny, tiny, yet bedrock changes aligned with my values. TRANSFORMATIVE.”

Reminded me what's important

- Aaron Reynolds, Creator of Effin' Birds

“I now schedule times throughout the day to check the news so I am able to react to how people are feeling in the world. I am trying to be less online while still being online to do the things I need to do. That's hard sometimes. I need to remind myself all the damn time about what is important and what isn't. I am so thankful to have Christina's support in figuring it out."

Puts technology in its right place

Anthony Diehl, co-founder of Colours & Shapes, creators of the TED stage

“The JOMO Method is a wonderful resource for anyone looking to put technology in its right place and live a more creative, joy-filled life. Christina is a wise and compassionate guide on this journey, not only pointing you in the right direction but walking the walk along with the rest of us. I love what Christina and the JOMO team are doing to help foster the wise and mindful use of technology!"

Easy and fun

Jennifer Fowler, Journalist

“This program gives you a place and time dedicated to thinking about these things but also REALLY PRACTICAL TOOLS to use if being mindful about your use of technology is important to you. The videos are really EASY and FUN to watch, the information is accessible and the exercises are practical. They don't feel like homework, they feel like work worth doing for your well-being. If you have the desire to make your use of tech healthier, more balanced, and prioritized in your life, then this program is for you."

First time I am really seeing success

Emily Ganzer, Educator

“I started The JOMO Method a month ago and in that time I have seen my screen usage drop 23%! This is HUGE for me because for the past seven years, I've been addicted to my phone and I’ve seen it cost me attention and traction on my goals, my family, sleep time and sleep quality, and kept me stuck in the comparison game. I tried multiple times to free myself from these habits but this is the FIRST TIME I AM REALLY SEEING SUCCESS. The reason for this is Christina has done the research, taken that research, and given us doable steps to make changes and empower us to accomplish our own individual goals. Something I appreciate about the program is the sessions are really short so I can learn a new concept and apply it immediately. I would recommend The JOMO Method to anyone who’s looking for MORE FREEDOM TO BE IN CHARGE of their own life.”

Helped me reclaim time

Andrea Pennoyer, Artist

“It's helped me to reclaim the space and time that are ESSENTIAL TO MY CREATIVE PRACTICE.”

Why do the world’s top athletes have a coach or team of advisors?

Because success only comes from having support.

Athletes have trainers, executives get coaches, politicians, entertainers, and diplomats all have teams who bring out their best performance. You do not need to figure this out all by yourself! This program is unique and based on 10+ years of research and hundreds of expert interviews with researchers, innovators, and advocates working on the cutting edge of these issues.

YOU DON'T NEED to spend a decade figuring this out like I did. YOU DON'T NEED to dig your way out of digital overwhelm by trial and error, just hoping something might work.

You should be focused on living your life and creating your best work - not becoming an expert on digital well-being. If the world's best performers can benefit from advice, structure, and expertise, imagine how much you could benefit from the advice from someone who can give you the systems, tools, and support you need.

If you’ve ever tried and failed to make these changes, The JOMO Method will keep you on track.

In 30 Days you can be...

  • FREE of the digital drain, distraction, and disruption

  • CREATING your best work without comparing yourself online

  • Working consistently on MAKING small changes that fit into your real life

  • ENJOYING an incredibly fun, engaging, and positive force in your life keeping you motivated and accountable

  • LIVING a more joyful and productive life


Way, way too much. The price of living as a slave to our digital devices is astronomical. We all pay with something: our time, attention, energy, relationships, sleep, mental health, happiness, and more. It's time to take back the investment and bank on something better: your values, your goals, your joy. Oh! Do you mean the course? It's a steal.

The JOMO Method™ Course is an all-in-one approach where you’ll get:

  • 4 self-paced modules that teach how to radically reduce your screen time to accomplish your most ambitious goals

  • A step-by-step system to build the digital discipline you need to stay on track

  • Daily, weekly and monthly practices to sustain your new digital habits for the long haul


  • Will The JOMO Method help me professionally?

    It will help you build walls around your attention to work in uninterrupted flow despite a world of notifications. Will that help you professionally? You betcha. The solution is not “trying harder” at your failed strategies. That just feeds into the hustle and pressure you already feel. By investing just 20 minutes a week, you'll see huge returns on that small investment. Is the trade-off worth reclaiming peace of mind and MASSIVE CREATIVE OUTPUT. No question.

  • How do I access the content?

    The JOMO Method Course is instantly unlocked at purchase and available whenever you need it. Each lesson is available in three modalities - video, text, and audio - to serve YOUR LEARNING STYLE best.

  • Can’t I just figure this out on my own?

    If I’m being perfectly honest… no. Sure, there is no end to free content out there but it’s like looking for a needle in a haystack. You don't have time for that. Plus, you're probably already overwhelmed by all the interesting/useful/informative things you want to read/watch/listen to and can't keep up. Navigate slices through the clutter to the HIGH IMPACT CHANGES that'll make a real difference.

  • I don’t want this to become yet another thing on my to-do list.

    The last thing you need is another to-do item to make you feel guilty. The JOMO Method isn’t a brain dump of tactics. It’s a complete, efficient creative focus SYSTEM to give you digital immunity - total control of who has access to your attention online. You can make progress with 5 minutes a day during your morning coffee run. And we include specific productivity material to show you all the ways you can integrate this into your day. Don’t focus on the worst that could happen - focus on the best that could happen once you use it.

  • How is The JOMO Method different from other courses on the market?

    This is the ONLY program taught by "The Marie Kondo of Digital," Christina Crook. The method is built from the direct insights from Christina’s one-on-one interviews with the world’s leading mindful creative leaders - from Damian Bradfield, the Chief Creative Officer at WeTransfer to the mother of mindfulness, Harvard University’s Dr. Ellen Langer.

  • How much time does it take to do this course per week?

    2-4 hours per week. The more time you put in, the faster you’ll see results. 2 hours is my recommendation, but because The JOMO Method comes with lifetime access, you can go faster or slower if you want.

  • What if I live in Europe (or somewhere else)?

    Yes, The JOMO Method will help you. We TESTED it with people around the world until they found success.

  • I already use a web blocker (like RescueTime, Moment, or Freedom.) Isn’t that enough?

    No. You are not going to solve your technology problems with more technology. There are many wonderful apps and tools designed to monitor and block your tech use. These tools can be part of new habits, but they won't solve the problem on their own. That's why The JOMO Method is designed to help you discover your core values and systematically (1) take control of your digital consumption (2) align your tech tools with your values and goals, and (3) provide simple digital and analog prompts to keep you on track. It's an ongoing process you work out in the real world.

  • Why are you so obsessed with joy?

    While other programs focus on the elimination of bad habits, The JOMO Method focuses on aligning your tech use with your joys: the elements that support your well-being and success. Why? Because when something feels good, you’ll keep doing it. The JOMO Method isn't focused on limiting your technology, it focuses you on creating the positive conditions for other more life-giving engagements to thrive and flourish. That's the JOMO way.