Course curriculum

    1. A Welcome Message From Christina

    2. Download the Course Workbook

    3. Getting Started

    4. Welcome To Your Digital Well-Being Assessments!

    5. Digital Well-Being Assessment 1: Joy

    6. Digital Well-Being Assessment 2: Connection

    7. Digital Well-Being Assessment 3: Balance

    8. Your Digital Well-Being Assessments: Conclusions

About this course

  • Free
  • 8 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Navigate towards a bigger life with less overwhelm and more joy.

We are all going to live with technology for the rest of our lives. We get to decide how.

Icons & text

  • An Ongoing System for Change

    All new members start with a step-by-step process providing strategies to realign your effort and attention with your values. New strategies are published and shared with you each month.

  • Community Discussions

    Connect with people who are on the journey with you. You don’t have to do it alone—we’ll celebrate yours wins with supportive, light-hearted accountability.

  • Digital Design Diagnostics

    Christina will walk you through the most popular online services and show you exactly how designers are working to interrupt your life, hijack your attention, and prime you for negative emotions.

  • Digital House Cleaning

    Live one-hour group coaching with Christina every month to review and reduce your digital footprint.

  • Journey Notes

    These real-life examples from members of the Navigate community share how others are thriving online and escaping the infinite overwhelm.

  • Christina Recommends

    Get specific recommendations that will help you decide which services and tools you want to use. Christina will make it easy to choose which tools to adopt and which to let go of.

Your Instructor

Founder Christina Crook

Writer, speaker and podcast host Christina Crook has been studying the relationship between joy and technology for over a decade. Whether you’re seeking presence, peace, focus or productivity, Christina has shaped tools and teachings to reconnect your habits with your happiness.

Founding Member Lifetime Access Closes Soon

This exclusive pricing will never be offered again.

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
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